<p> Properties and the role of right-handed neutrino in the EWνR model were clearly analysed in every chapter of the thesis. Explicitly, right-handed neutrino belongs to the doublet SU(2)W; is non-sterile particle and interacts with weak boson W and Z; can be producted and detected in colliders such as LHC and ILC with decay products consisting of two like-sign leptons in the SM; condenses at the order of O(TeV) when ανR = ανCR = π; condensate state of right-handed neutrino is one of the agents of DEWSB, is directly related to the mass generation for the fundamental Higgs χ0 and indirectly related to that of the others: gauge boson W; Z and fermions in the EWνR model; right-handed neutrino especially plays an important role in explaining for smallness of neutrino masses since right-handed neutrino has a direct and indirect connection with Majorana mass and Dirac mass, respectively. </p>
<p> Sự ra đời của Tứ Diệu Đế gắn liền với bối cảnh lịch sử, kinh tế, chính trị - xã hội của Ấn Độ đương thời. Đây là thời kỳ xã họi Ấn Độ t ...
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